Serving since 2002 The SWYAZ INDIA is one of the most reliable, professional and authentic place to translate the document from Russian language to English and vice-versa. For accurate and professional Russian translation service trust the replica watches professional service provider. Go global with translation services in India and expand your professional, academic or research activity.
Based in Lucknow, Swyaz India offer excellent English to Russian and Russian to English translation service to many professional organizations, government offices and private businesses. We are one of the most popular Russian translation companies in India. Many MNC, government and academic institutes are consulting translation service, few prefer to hire freelance Russian translators whereas few delegate the translation task to the translation service providers.
Why choose Swyaz India for Russian to English or English to Russian translation and interpretation services:
The company has number of Russian Translators. Majority of replica handbags them have completed their B.E/M.E degrees in different fields of Engineering such as
(i) Mechanical
(ii) Avionics
(iii) Electronics
(iv) Computer
With their knowledge of Russian language in Technical fields which they acquired during their stay in Ukraine/Russia for 6 - 7 years, they have acquired the expertise in Translation/Interpretation from Russian to English and vice - versa.